Party Wall etc Act 1996

Party Wall Awards  & Party Wall agreements

If you are Proposing building works that are:-

* within 3 metres of an adjoining building or structure,

* at the boundary of your site,

* require cutting into, or otherwise affecting  a party wall,

then you may be required to comply with the Party Wall etc Act 1996 and serve formal notice on your neighbour.

We can provide specialist advice  on the provisions of the party Wall etc Act 1996 to both, the Building Owner (the person proposing to carry out the work) and the Adjoining Owner (the person affected by the work).

You should be aware that the preparation of the award can take some time and early advice is recommended. This starts with the serving of:

* the Party Structure Notice or,

* a 3 metre/6 metre Notice or,

* a Line of Junction Notice.

Speak to us to help in all respects of the Party Wall etc Act

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